In the News July 29th


Fridays News at a glance:

No, they didn’t find new carcinogens in your e-cigarette vapor – Ridiculous comparisons (part two) – Outpourings of Hot Air – Coming in from the cold: dilemmas and solutions about vaping in workplaces and social spaces – Senator Ron Johnson Challenging FDA – 25 Blogs You Should Probably Bookmark – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest – Friday, 29 July 2016

No, they didn’t find new carcinogens

In your e-cigarette vapor – The Drip Club

Well, here we are again. Another published paper with all the familiar methodological flaws is generating headlines that say “e-cigarettes are going to give us all cancer“. The reality is that the researchers who published this study failed to look through the literature and resolve the mistakes their predecessors made. It seems they didn’t even bother to read studies they themselves cited in their own paper.

Outpourings of Hot Air

Paul Barnes – Facts Do Matter

I’m pretty sure we’ve been down this road before. The whole formaldehyde scare – leading to the “10 times more cancer causing chemicals” headlines. That particular study (which started life in the NEJM as a letter to the editor) has been roundly debunked – not least of which because to inhale burning e-liquid, is frankly a rather dumb idea. Any researcher that believes us vapers do that on a regular basis, most definitely need to get out more.

Ridiculous comparisons (part two)

Christopher Snowdon – Velvet Glove Iron Fist

On Wednesday I mentioned the tendency of ‘public health’ folk to compare their ample budgets with a completely unrelated number. In that instance, it was Yoni Freedhof comparing the cost of a single cancer research programme to the combined marketing budgets of US food companies. What point was he making? God only knows.


Coming in from the cold: 

Dilemmas and solutions about vaping in workplaces and social spaces
1400 – 1630 on Tuesday 20th September 2016

A lot of media attention has focussed on the use of new nicotine devices – commonly known as e-cigarettes – in the UK. In May 2016, the government included in law the requirements of the EU Tobacco Products Directive, part of which applies to the devices and other non-combustible products.


Senator Ron Johnson Challenging FDA

Tony Ottomanelli II – Vaping Post

Due to harsh Vaping regulations set by the FDA, Senator Ron Johnson made a Written Demand for an Explanatory Response Expected to be Received by specific dates he set. In all, Johnson has written the FDA three times and he finally received a response in which the FDA seemed to only create a more questionable and unclear scenario. How did Johnson handle the FDA reply? What did their response consist of? Will his involvement help the Vaping Industry?


25 Blogs You Should Probably Bookmark

Simon Dadia

Ever since the first vaporizers and electronic cigarettes rolled off the production lines, the internet has been awash with articles from bloggers claiming to know about the best designs and the tastiest oils available on the market.

There’s still a lot of trash out there written by marketing companies and “writers for hire” who don’t really have a understanding of vape-culture, and that’s why we thought all readers would benefit from this article.



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