In the News 26th March


Thursdays News at a glance:

Winds Of Change ? .. Global Forum on Nicotine Confirmed speakers .. The CDC in cahoots with the CA “health” dept .. California Department of Public Health E-Cigarette Web Site is Full of Lies .. CDC prepares to launch massive anti-ecig lie campaign .. Three new pages on Facebook, well worth a look and a like. .. Toxicity levels in e-cigarettes 100 times lower .. Nicotine and toxicant yield ratings of electronic cigarette brands in New Zealand .. Nicotine Science and Policy – Daily Digest – Thu, 26 March 2015

Winds Of Change ?

I was recently invited by Cancer Research UK to take part in an eCig Briefing they were holding at the Welsh Assembly in Cardiff Bay. I knew it was happening some time ago because one of the speakers is somebody with whom I have regular contact – one Prof Linda Bauld of Stirling University. However, I was still rather surprised to be invited to participate in the event by CRUK… So, on a bright sunny morning (yes, we do sometimes get those in Wales), I drove down to Cardiff Bay to have a look-see and, if necessary, put a vaping perspective on the conversations that were going to happen….

GFN Confirmed speakers

The science of nicotine is rapidly developing, regulatory issues are high on the political agenda and consumers are becoming anxious about long-term availability of products. There is a nascent consensus amongst a body of scientists and public health about the relative safety of new nicotine and other non-combustible products, although there is still scepticism expressed by others and the debate continues….

The CDC in cahoots with the CA “health” dept

This is the lowest form of unethical, fraudulentguilt-by-association. The CDC’s leaders have abandoned all semblance of ethics, professionally and personally, to target the best hope of helping smokers quit, in service of who-knows-what. Is it simply corruption, greed? Or what force is allowing public health servants to lead smokers away from reduced harm products, in effect keeping them smoking? Is it cigarette taxes? “Donations” from Big Pharma? An ideological agenda, misguided though it may be? We cannot say….

California Department of Public Health E-Cigarette Web Site is Full of Lies

I never thought I would say this, but in March 2015, public health officials are telling more lies to the public about the health effects of smoking than the tobacco industry. I took the time to review the web site that the California Department of Public Health put together about electronic cigarettes and tobacco cigarettes and was appalled to find that the site is full of lies….

CDC prepares to launch massive anti-ecig lie campaign

CDC’s decades of anti-THR lies about smokeless tobacco have played a major role in discouraging smokers from switching throughout the world, and the toll from that is huge. (Ironically, many vapers and e-cigarette supporters still believe those lies. Stockholm syndrome maybe?) That effort caused the early deaths of tens of thousands, if not millions, of people. Now they seem to be ramping up their simmering attacks on e-cigarettes to another full-blown homicidal campaign….

What’s New on Facebook?

Three new pages on Facebook, well worth a look and a like.


Nicotine and toxicant yield ratings of electronic cigarette brands in New Zealand

Electronic cigarettes (e-cigs) contain nicotine but not toxins, and so they do not kill smokers. We checked out 14 brands sold in New Zealand. We found toxic aldehydes had an average concentration of under 0.5% of that found in Marlboro cigarette smoke. Nicotine concentration was one-half to two-thirds that in a Marlboro. E-cigs are comparatively safe to switch to…..

Toxicity levels in e-cigarettes 100 times lower

News from New Zealand

Author Murray Laugesen said the nicotine levels in e-cigarettes were sufficient to help people kick the habit.

“This research is designed to reduce the risk of people being scared of e-cigarettes for no good reason,” he said.

But e-cigarettes with nicotine could not be sold legally within New Zealand, even though they were readily available online….

Nicotine Science and Policy – Daily Digest – Thu, 26 March 2015


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