In the News 21st October


Wednesdays News at a glance:

Smokers are now treated like lepers – Sense of threat from electronic cigarettes: Lobbyists serving corporations? – More Drakeford “evidence” to the Welsh HSCC – POLAND: The Prime Minister is demanding answers from the Ministry of Health on e-cigarettes – How One Vaping Activist Took on Facebook And WON – FDA Sends OMB Tobacco Regs for Final Review – Black Hole Lung – Nicotine Science and Policy – Daily Digest – Wed, 21 October 2015

Smokers are now treated like lepers

Christopher Snowdon – Spiked

David Goerlitz has never found it easy to bite his lip. For seven years, he was the face of Winston cigarettes, appearing in 42 advertisements and on billboards all over the world.
‘I happened to have been the rugged type that RJ Reynolds wanted for this particular “Search and Rescue” campaign. [And it] apparently worked because we moved Winston from number four to number two in sales. The problem I had was that when I admitted to my kids and everybody else I talked to that it was my job to get kids to smoke, the more pissed off I became at myself….’

Sense of threat from electronic cigarettes:

Lobbyists serving corporations? – eSmoking Association

Medicines enjoy great popularity in Poland. We are especially eager to use over-the-counter drugs. It is said, off the record, that countless lobbyists contribute to the success of pharmaceutical companies. Is Poland a place where pharmaceutical companies conduct lobbying activities?

The Open Secrets report states that manufacturers of medical products and dietary supplements in USA employ 1,244 lobbyists. The expenses of medicine and supplement products manufacturers on lobbying amount to nearly 125 million USD….

More Drakeford “evidence” to the Welsh HSCC

Huge Thank You as always to @dnglos for the YouTubing of this

Adding E-Cigarettes to Specialist Stop-Smoking Treatment:

City of London Pilot Project – Journal of Addiction Research & Therapy

Across the UK, Stop Smoking Services [SSS] are currently seeing a reduction in the number of smokers seeking help. One possible explanation of this trend is that rather than attending stop-smoking clinics, smokers prefer to use Electronic Cigarettes [EC]. EC have an advantage over the traditional stop-smoking treatments in that they offer not only nicotine replacement in doses smokers can adjust to their needs, but also sensorimotor replacement and a degree of enjoyment. SSS are being encouraged to consider using e-cigarettes, although these cannot be currently provided on NHS prescription

Is Vaping Safer Than Traditional Smoking?

Dorit Sasson – Huffington Post

Remember those big bulky vaporizers that your parents stuck in your room to increase some of the moisture in the air and help you breathe better? Now we have small compact vaporizers in the form of e-cigarettes that travel in your pocket. Research hasn’t caught up with the effects of e-cigarettes, but we do know they are quickly growing in popularity. This article will debunk some of the myths surrounding the vaping industry and answer the question: Is vaping safer than smoking…?

Keep Vaping China:

Don’t Listen To The World Health Organization On E-Cigarettes – Sally Satel

When it comes to smoking and vaping, the world of public health seems more like Oceania, 1984, every day. In that Orwellian realm, Big Brother issued nonsense statements such as “war is peace, slavery is freedom, ignorance is strength.”

In the U.S., the CDC and the California Department of Health have assumed the role of Big Brother, effectively telling smokers they might as well keep puffing because e-cigarettes are hardly any safer. Talk about an Orwellian inversion statement!

POLAND: The Prime Minister is demanding answers

From the Ministry of Health on e-cigarettes – eSmoking Association

The Prime Minister’s Chancellery filed a request to the Ministry of Health for explanation of the Minister of Health statement on electronic cigarettes manufacturers.

On September 27th, the Minister of Health publicly stated that „Manufacturers [of e-cigarettes] who profit from this enormously – and this is a gigantic industry and huge money – are deliberately failing to speak the truth. They claim the e-cigarettes are not harmful. They are less harmful than pure tobacco, but they are still harmful”.

How One Vaping Activist Took on Facebook And WON


A Billion Lives — check out VapeBeat’s Interview With The Director HERE — aims to expose many of the lies that have dogged vapers since e-cigs began.

As most readers here will probably know, many of these lies have been propagated by the pharmaceutical industry via the links with big-pharm funded anti-smoking groups…

FDA Sends OMB Tobacco Regs for Final Review

CSP Daily News

The U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) Center for Tobacco Products has submitted to the White House Office of Management & Budget (OMB) the final “deeming” regulations on cigars, pipe tobacco, e-cigarettes, hookah tobacco, nicotine gels and dissolvable products, according to NATO News.

Black Hole Lung

Kim LaCapria –

On 20 October 2015, the British tabloid The Sun published an article headlined “Vaping Burned a Hole in My Lungs” which focused on the potential dangers of e-cigarettes and vaping, reporting that a man named Richard Courtney had “burned a hole” in his lung by using one of the devices. Photographs of the devices in question (a Kangertech brand Subtank and eLeaf iStick 30W) were included with the story:

Nicotine Science and Policy – Daily Digest



Todays featured image is dedicated to Mark Drakeford

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