Flash Mob De La Vape


We all know that EFVI didn’t succeed as we wished…
In order to deliver our message to the media, we will need to get all onboard.

You will need to gather vapers and supporters and do a vape flashmob :

  • One public place
  • One or more people to make pictures and movies
  • Get there at a precise timing
  • Just do one or two clouds for the picture and go away 😉

Wether you are in a large or a small city, no matter, everybody can participate !!!

It would be nice if we could collect as many pictures as possible from all over the world.

If we are legions the press will talk about it (you can invite them)…

Please visit the links below if you are a Facebook (Other Social Network sites are available!) user and add your event or support. Alternatively post any ideas or comments on this page.

A Facebook Event has been set up specifically for this by Olivier Cucuron Visit it HERE and a Facebook Group is HERE


Olivier Cucuron has  made a poster for anyone organising a Flash Mob on the  11th Jan. Click the picture above for biggerness or pop over to the Facebook Group

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3 comments on “Flash Mob De La Vape
  1. Muriël says:

    Why not coordinate internationally? The French are also doing a vapeflash, check out Aiduce! Let’s all do the same one so it’s bigger and better!

  2. Admin says:

    Thank you for your comment Muriel. This is the same event that Aiduce are promoting organised by Olivier Cucuron

  3. Bernice Evans says:

    CARDIFF Flash Mob:

    11.01.15 11 a.m. ITV studios, CARDIFF BAY. South Wales. See you there!