Ending Today…

I hate deadlines – A Consultation on Electronic Cigarettes and Strengthening Tobacco Control in Scotland
Reproduced with kind permission of Beki Jane
Original Source: https://bekivapes.wordpress.com/2015/01/02/i-hate-deadlines-a-consultation-on-electronic-cigarettes-and-strengthening-tobacco-control-in-scotland/
Today is the deadline for submission to this consultation. Please respond to it. If we don’t use our legitimate chances to be heard, then we have fewer rights to complain if legislation is poorly thought out. Those who oppose THR will be using this to shout very loudly indeed. The points we need to rebut are as simple as ever because they will be using the same tired old arguments.
- We are arguing for harm reduction through use of a safer alternative.
- We do not claim that it is 100% safe.
- The gateway leads out if it exists at all.
- Young people are not taking it up.
- It normalises the act of not smoking lit tobacco.
- We are not a part of a tobacco industry plot
- No vaping product has ever been marketed at children.
- Nicotine is not as addictive as smoking lit tobacco.
- We are not shills.
Links to find good information.
- This blog, which you are free to use in any way you like to support your submission.
- Clive Bates
- Bernd-Meyer
- Carl Phillips
- Dick Puddlecote’s break down of the questions.
Yes it’s a faff and a pain, and I’m late telling you about it. But please submit something and note that you don’t have to live in Scotland to respond. Thank you.
You can read more from Beki Jane on her excellent website – HERE