In the News September 19th


Mondays News at a glance:

Day of the jackass – ECHO, Echo, echo – Social Apartheid – Is Public Health challenged about ecigs? – Pregnant Women Vape Trial – Tough love or knocking shop? – Study reveals lung benefit from vaping – Benefits Of Smoking Cessation Or Harm Reduction By Vaping – Replace job-killing ‘vape’ tax – Thoughts on e-cigs Cabinet Paper – E-cigarettes fail to get Health Ministry support

Day of the jackass

Christopher Snowdon – Velvet Glove Iron Fist

At a self-congratulatory event with the delusional title ‘Winning the end-game against tobacco’, the Royal College hosted not only thethick-as-two-short-planks junk scientist Anna Gilmore and theobese nonentity Martin McKee, but also the champagne socialist Gabriel Scally and lemon-sucking prohibitionist Deborah Arnott. As if that weren’t enough – and, let’s face it, it isn’t – it also featureddrunken social media casualty John Ashton and – all the way from Australia! – dense sociologist Simon Chapman.

ECHO, Echo, echo …

Dick Puddlecote

Some of you may remember this tweet by bone-headed prohibitionist Simple Simon Chapman last year.


He also described the event as “a small meeting of vaping activists in Poland” in an article for the ‘public health’ industry’s favourite shitsheet, The Conversation.

Social Apartheid

Simon Thurlow – Midnight Musings

Over the weekend, I happened to come across a column written by Fiona Phillips – a journalist and one of the former hosts of the now defunct GMTV – who writes for the Daily Mirror. I’ve come across articles written by her before, so know that she has leanings towards the socialist left in her outlook.

Is Public Health challenged about ecigs?

Kevin Crowley – Vaping Links

Public Health Experts: Don’t take this personally, but listening increases your credibility. If you feel your job is to “inform” the public in a public format such as twitter about e-cigarettes, then expect the public to be listening. Having a title before OR after your name does not give you all access to intelligence-land. There are no guarantees we’ll be impressed.


Pregnant Women Vape Trial

Mawsley – Planet of the Vapes

Many pregnant women wonder if vaping is safer for their unborn child, the struggle to quit a cigarette addiction can be tough at this time in their lives. Little is known about the effects of vaping during pregnancy, but this is about to change thanks to a ground-breaking study from the UK Centre for Tobacco and Alcohol Studies.

Vapour Trails TV

Tough love or knocking shop?

Simon Clark – Taking Liberties

A comment on my previous post asked why I “keep knocking vaping advocates”. I replied but I thought I’d publish my response here as well (with some additional observations).

But first, let me introduce readers to Liam Bryan who asked the question….


Study reveals lung benefit from vaping

Andrew Allison – Freedom to Vape

An interesting report on the website of the American Council on Science and Health. A new study asked the question: what exactly happens to the lungs when someone stops smoking and starts vaping? Here is the methodology and results:

Benefits Of Smoking Cessation

Or Harm Reduction By Vaping – Kedist Tedla – ACSH

While nicotine is the addictive substance in cigarettes, it is the long term exposure to inhaled smoke – and its toxic constituents – that adversely impact the lungs.

One such harmful mechanism is inflammation of the airways, which progressively damages and ultimately impairs lung function.

Replace job-killing ‘vape’ tax

Bob Dick

Imagine you find a way to help others live healthier lives, and this passion leads you to invest your savings to start a related small business. Now, imagine state government taking it all away from you with the stroke of a pen.

This is the reality facing hundreds of Pennsylvania “vape” shop owners who employ more than 1,000 people – they went to bed one night living their dreams and woke up the next morning facing a nightmare.

Volunteers Needed…


You can contact Sairah on Twitter: @sairahss Or by E-Mail 

Thoughts on e-cigs Cabinet Paper

Jenesa Jeram

Over the weekend, Radio NZ ran the headline ‘E-cigaettes fail to get Health Ministry support’, based on MoH’s Cabinet Paper. The headline was a bit of a shocker, given submissions to MoH’s public consultation have only recently closed (read The NZ Initiative’s submission here).

At first I thought the headline was a bit premature, but I can’t say the Cabinet Paper gives many reasons for optimism. From the document, it appears a lot of weight is placed on hypothetical worst case scenarios, and not a lot of weight on existing evidence…

E-cigarettes fail to get Ministry support

Anusha Bradley

There’s not enough evidence that e-cigarettes are an effective tool in helping people quit smoking, the Ministry of Health says in a cabinet paper presented to government ministers.

The cabinet paper, from July, has been released by Associate Health Minister Sam Lotu-liga said that while the Ministry of Health believed vaping was less harmful than smoking, it advised against the legalisation of e-cigarettes on the justification it could be used as a smoking cessation tool.

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