Vapers Digest 29th May


What does the UK General Election mean for Nicotine Pouches? ~ NNA responds to the Vape Duty Consultation ~ Urgent: Vape Tax ~ New All-Party Parliamentary Group for Responsible Vaping Has Been Established by UK MPs ~ Youth vaping – the facts ~ Vape shops at war in Australia: Why so many are going up in flames ~ Australia’s vaping crisis laid bare as e-cigarette policy firms as looming election battle ~ No one wants kids vaping. But is Labor criminalising adults who flout the crackdown? ~ FDA’s Mixed Messaging on E-Cigarettes Undermines Public Health ~ Expert Rips Into WHO Report! ~ Calling out fake news part 4: prohibitionists getting owned by community notes ~ Policy sought for tobacco harm reduction ~ Deep Impact | Bloomberg’s Influence on the WHO & US Vaping Policy | RegWatch ~ BLOOMBERG FUNDING IN SPOTLIGHT IN INDIA | Featuring Samrat Chowdhery ~ Polling reveals overwhelming support for regulation of vapes

Wednesday’s News at a glance:

Expert Rips Into WHO Report!

Michelle, EcigClick!

The World Health Organisation (WHO) have published a report on May 23rd 2024 examining vaping and young people. As you can imagine it is very “Anti Vaping” and not necessarily accurate.

You can download the publication here “Hooking the next generation: how the tobacco industry captures young customers“. I will be honest, I am feeling a bit nauseous as I write this, so subjecting myself to the 28 pages of anti-vaping bull crap churned out by WHO is not ideal.

Calling out fake news part 4: prohibitionists getting owned by community notes

Alastair Cohen, Clearing The Air

The latest in our occasional/not-so-occasional series on prohibitionists getting owned by Community Notes on X is an interesting one.

A lot of the lies and misinformation that has been picked up in the last couple of weeks seems to show that those who want to present fake news about vaping either aren’t learning from their past mistakes, or they don’t care.


Deep Impact | Bloomberg’s Influence on the WHO & US Vaping Policy | RegWatch ~

Samrat Chowdhery, Brent Stafford, Regwatch

Joining us today to explore Bloomberg’s significant impact on the World Health Organization and US vaping policy is Marc Gunther, a seasoned journalist with nearly five decades of experience in covering politics, government, media, and business. Gunther is renowned for his investigative prowess, notably in the influential series “The Great Vape Debate.”

Global Forum on Nicotine

When India’s government added nicotine replacement therapies to its list of essential medicines, tobacco harm reduction advocates celebrated a win for smokers looking to quit. But was this success short lived, and has India returned to an anti-nicotine frame of mind? Joining us today to discuss India’s track record with nicotine is journalist Samrat Chowdhery.

On this Day…2020

A look back at how things have moved on or otherwise…

The WHO Doubles Down…

On Its Incompetence – Dick Puddlecote

You’d think, wouldn’t you, that after the damning political and media criticism the World Health Organisation has rightly been subjected to over fucking up the health of every nation on Earth – with their pitiful and incompetent response to the Coronavirus – that they would have learned a lesson on getting their priorities right.

The W.H.O ignores science:

The world pays the price! – Joseph Magero

The World No Tobacco Day 2020 is here,with the year not having been such a stellar success for the World Health Organization’s FCTC efforts on its own terms, especially in developing countries.They have yet again missed their target of reducing cancer,heart and lung disease,as 8 million more people will die from smoking related diseases this year.

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