Vapers Digest 26th July
Wednesday’s News at a glance:
Vaping nicotine is beneficial to young people at a population level
Dr. Colin Mendelsohn,
UNDERAGE VAPING continues to dominate the media and drives public policy in Australia. Daily, alarmist headlines feed the anxieties of parents, teachers and public health officials and have created a full-blown moral panic. However, the fear of youth vaping greatly exceeds the objective threat it poses—and benefits are almost universally overlooked.
In fact, vaping nicotine is beneficial to young people overall
Challenging The Next NZ Government:Include Consumer Advocacy
In Tobacco Harm Reduction Discussions
Nancy Loucas, CAPHRA (Coalition of Asia Pacific Tobacco Harm Reduction Advocates)
As the New Zealand election approaches in October 2023, it’s crucial to address the importance of consumer advocacy in the tobacco harm reduction debate. Tobacco harm reduction has gained attention in recent years, with public health experts advocating for safer alternatives to conventional cigarettes. However, concerns have arisen that consumer voices are being excluded, particularly on the global stage.
Two From Dave Cross, Planet Of The Vapes
Prescription Model Ruled Out
As part of discussions about vaping and tobacco harm reduction in Parliament, the Department for Health and Social Care has ruled out a prescription-only future following a question from Conservative MP Neil Hudson. In addition, Tory David Jones asked about the delegation to this year’s WHO conference in Panama and Labour’s Rachael Maskell fired a volley of questions at the Department for Education.
Further Responses to the LGA Ban Demand
Further responses to the Local Government Association’s (LGA) demand for the government to ban all disposables has come from ASH UK, the Federation of Independent Retailers (the Fed), the UK Vaping Industry Association (UKVIA) and the i newspaper’s Kevin Lynch. The LGA says disposables should be banned by 2024 because it believes they will flood into the UK otherwise due to them being banned in France this December and the entire EU in 2026.
Vape Businesses File Supreme Court Amicus Brief Opposing Chevron
Jim McDonald, Vaping 360
A group of vaping businesses and trade organizations have filed an amicus curiae brief with the U.S. Supreme Court, urging the justices in a non-vaping related case to overturn or limit so-called Chevron deference. The court’s decision will affect how judges in lower courts rule on future disputes over administrative agency actions—including FDA actions on vaping product regulation.

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