Vapers Digest 25th September
Wednesday’s News at a glance:
New Deputy Chief Exec for ASH ~ GATES Files Amicus Brief ~ HNB Performance Shows Consumer Shift ~ Senseless Singapore ~ It is time for the all-things nicotine peace talks! ~ Why Tasmanian dentists need to brush up on vaping ~ EU Council Updated Recommendation on Smoke-Free Environments ~ What Trump Gets Right About a Key Harm Reduction Tool ~ Ireland imposes new €2,000 fine for selling vapes at children’s events ~ Smokers offered free support so they can Swap to Stop ~ Global Action Community Newsletter ~ A MIXED BAG | Godfrey updates us on the latest events in the THR space ~ Why banning vape flavours hurts smoking cessation efforts
HNB Performance Shows Consumer Shift
The market performance of the IQOS device reveals a shifting market as smokers continue to move to reduced harm nicotine delivery alternatives. While Marlboro continues to be the world’s most valuable tobacco brand (for the 10th consecutive year), smokeless alternatives are gaining ground. Latest findings from the Brand Finance ranking reveals that IQOS is the world’s ‘fastest-growing’ tobacco brand, up 8%.
Senseless Singapore
Claims are being made that vaping is “getting out of hand” in Singapore. Self-proclaimed experts are inventing their own facts about ecigs and suggesting some wild methods to curb vaping – including the regular testing of teens. The fact that the conversation is being had is evidence that the complete ban on vaping is an unmitigated failure.
Ireland imposes new €2,000 fine for selling vapes at children’s events
Ali Anderson, Clearing The Air
Minister for Health Stephen Donnelly has signed a law that applies the fine to the offence of ‘selling tobacco products or nicotine-inhaling products at events aimed at children, or where the majority of the participants or audience are children’.
The measure under the Public Health (Tobacco Products and Nicotine Inhaling Products) Act 2023, which first launched in March, is intended to cut the use of vapes among children and young people.
Mr Donnelly said: “I welcome the coming into operation of further provisions of our 2023 Act. I am developing new tobacco control law, bringing law through the Houses and implementing law that has already passed.

A look back at how things have moved on or otherwise…
Nearly 7 in 10 American Doctors…
Mistakenly Believe Nicotine Causes Lung Cancer
Nearly 7 in 10 U.S. doctors mistakenly attribute the negative health consequences of smoking to nicotine, directly jeopardizing advancements made in helping smokers quit, a survey funded by a Foundation for a Smoke-Free World grant has found.
Switching from smoking to vaping
Dramatically reduces cancer risk
Cigarette smoke is deadly and contains at least 69 known carcinogens (cancer-causing chemicals), many in high doses. The main carcinogens in smoke are listed in the APPENDIX at the bottom of this page.
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