Vapers Digest 24th February

Monday’s News at a glance:

Parliament Matters ~ UMASS Finds Gateway Evidence is Poor ~ Health and Innovation: How Israel is embracing smoke-free alternatives ~ WHO FCTC must acknowledge successes in regulating Safer Nicotine Products in New Zealand and Japan. ~ Deeper Dive Thailand: Is vaping safer than smoking cigarettes? ~ No evidence vaping leads to smoking among youth, review by leading health experts finds ~ Sir Isaac Newton’s third law of motion states that “every action has an equal and opposite reaction.” ~ Should the NHS Treat Vaping Like Weight Loss Drugs? ~ Concern Over Graphic Images on Smoke-Free Products ~ New York State AG Sues Major Vape Distributors ~ The EU’s War on Vaping: How Over-Regulation Threatens Public Health ~ Petition Aims to Stop Denver’s Pending Flavored Tobacco Ban ~ Illegal U.S. vape sales worth at least $2.4 billion in 2024, data shows

Two from Dave Cross, Planet of the Vapes

Parliament Matters

In this week’s coverage of questions and answers from the House of Commons, the Democratic Unionist Party’s (DUP) Sammy Wilson was the last person to obtain a response from Andrew Gwynne (before he was sacked). Tan Dhesi wanted Defra to tell him about disposable vape imports, and the DUP’s Gregory Campbell was thinking about pregnant women.

UMass Finds Gateway Evidence is Poor

Researchers at the University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMASS) have found that evidence supporting the belief that vaping is a gateway to smoking for young people is of very low quality. Senior author Jamie Hartmann-Boyce has spoken about their research which identified the “very low-certainty evidence”.


A look back at how things have moved on or otherwise…

Rage-Driven Tobacco Control Industry…

Stupidity Explained In One Tweet – Dick Puddlecote

It was once explained to me that there are thousands of students who start off aspiring to be doctors. Those not clever enough to become doctors drift into other public health roles, but those who are not clever enough for that often go into the tobacco control industry.

This was in answer to my querying why I regularly read stuff from tobacco controllers which are too stupid for words. Either they lack basic comprehension of concepts such as behaviour and economics, or advance ideas so puerile that most 14 year olds should be able to see through them. Often I have imagined that some would not even have had the required intellect to be a driver in my transport company.

And today, we have seen a diamond-encrusted example of exactly this type of utter tobacco control stupidity….

Pro-death, anti-choice lobby…

Sides with the earthquake – Christopher Snowdon

I mentioned earlier how little use ‘public health professionals’ were during the pandemic.

Let’s not forget that these ‘public health’ academics spent the only genuine public health crisis of their lifetimes complaining about pubs being used as vaccination centres and whining about businesses donating food to the hungry and medical equipment to hospitals. Rarely has the chasm between public health and ‘public health’ been illustrated so starkly.

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