Vapers Digest 22nd May
Should Venezuela Adopt The Swedish Model To Reduce Smoking Prevalence? ~ ASH Scotland’s anti-vaping position increasingly at odds with their aim to stop smoking ~ Panama: Supreme Court Reverses Vape Ban ~ Africa: Tobacco Harm Reduction Approach – Africa shouldn’t be left behind ~ Claims of “Passive Vaping Danger” Irritate Scientists ~ Thinking ’bout THR Newsletter ~ Parliament ~ UKVIA Addresses ASH Findings ~ Minister’s Shameful Attack on Industry Proposal ~ Interview with Australian Tobacco Control Expert: Prescription-Only Policy Fuels Black Market, Vapes Should be Accessible as Cigarettes ~ New Zealand smoking success puts Australia to shame ~ End Australia’s Dangerous Prohibition Vaping Laws ~ WHAT’S THE NEWS FROM THE E-CIG SUMMIT? | Featuring Will Godfrey of Filter Magazine ~ NJOY Submits Premarket Tobacco Product Applications to the FDA for NJOY ACE 2.0 Featuring Bluetooth®-enabled Access Restriction Technology
Wednesday’s News at a glance:

On this Day…2023
A look back at how things have moved on or otherwise…
Taxed vapers are fuming
Wendy Jasson Da Costa
From next week, they’ll pay much more for their habit as a new “sin tax” comes into effect on June 1, and a flat excise duty is slapped on nicotine and non-nicotine vaping liquids.
Outraged industry role players have warned of the devastating health impact it could have because vapers were likely to revert to cheap cigarettes to feed their habit.
‘One Weird Trick’ to Make U.S. Healthier
Jessica R. Towhey
Call it the “one weird trick” for America’s health care. A panel of public health experts gathered in Washington, D.C., last week for a “Common Sense Public Health” roundtable — simple, relatively inexpensive policy reforms with minimal costs but significant benefits. Those policies are blocked, they said, not by science or data but because of politics.
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