Vapers Digest 22nd January
Wednesday’s News at a glance:
Five Years To Become Smokefree
With just 5 years to go to reach the government’s Smokefree 2030 target, data from a new study by leading ecig company Vape Club has revealed the areas in the UK that are set to officially become ‘smokefree’ in 2025. This is reached as the number of active smokers dips below the government threshold of 5% or lower adult smoking prevalence rate.
Tobacco and Vapes Bill: Clause 12
The second part of this ‘heavy on politics’ week, Planet of the Vapes look at the debate on amendments to Clause 12 of the Tobacco and Vapes Bill, where MPs discussed ‘Vaping and nicotine product vending machines’. The debate took place in a public committee.
What The US President Needs To Do
Tobacco harm reduction expert Clive Bates has written a report explaining what the new 47th President of the United States needs to do to fix the broken tobacco and nicotine market. He states, “a radical overhaul” is required of the vape product authorisation process in order to combat the “giant illicit market”.
“Setting the record straight” About WHO Misinformation
Loremipsumdolor, COPWatch
A new campaign to persuade the world the WHO would never lie “could not be more wrong”. As mentioned in the last post at Copwatch, the World Health Organization launched a new initiative on X (formerly known as Twitter) on January 8th to counter “misinformation”.
To say this is breathtaking for its chutzpah would be an understatement. Described as “Busting myths and setting the record straight about WHO”, it is designed to let the world know that the WHO is very misunderstood by those who believe its plans for a pandemic treaty are sinister. After all, the WHO would never lie, oh no! It is merely an honest broker of information and only a conspiracy theorist could think otherwise.
CAPHRA calls for inclusion of consumer voices in WHO FCTC COP11 preparations
Australia, Let’s Improve Vaping Education (A.L.I.V.E.)
The Coalition of Asia Pacific Tobacco Harm Reduction Advocates (CAPHRA) is urging the Philippine government to include consumer perspectives in its preparations for the upcoming World Health Organisation’s 11th Conference of the Parties (COP11) of the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC).

A look back at how things have moved on or otherwise…
WHO/FCTC Needs to Respect Science,
Consumer Rights in COP Meeting – Martin Cullip
The Taxpayers Protection Alliance’s Consumer Center accused the World Health Organization Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC) of ignoring science and the rights of consumers in its pursuit of restrictive tobacco control measures, as the global body prepares for its 10th Conference of the Parties (COP) this year.
Will Not Stop
Tobacco Control Unlikely to Validate Nicotine Vaping | RegWatch
Despite a steady drumbeat of scientific studies showing nicotine vapes help people switch off smoking, including those with no intention to quit. Many within tobacco control continue to devote resources and press policies to restrict or ban e-cigarettes and other safer nicotine products.
Even good news about the dramatic drop in teen vaping and a massive decline in youth smoking rates seems to have had little impact.
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