Vapers Digest 20th November
Wednesday’s News at a glance:
Don’t Rush Legislation ~ The Observer Gets Vaping ~ The VERITAS project changes the rules of vaping: no significant respiratory symptoms reported by exclusive vapers ~ 5 Reasons Why The UK Disposable Vape Ban is a Bad Idea ~ When will Europe overcome the current moral panic over nicotine pouches? ~ CLEMENT: Puzzling pouch priorities of public health ~ Aotearoa New Zealand’s Smoking Rates Plateau, Whilst Māori Smoking Rates Continue To Decline ~ IEVA statement on ZPBV’s campaign on customers’ freedom of choice between smoking and vaping ~ Why Is England Missing Its “Smoke Free” Target? ~ EXCLUSIVE: EU vape ban proposals lack “robust scientific basis” say Italian and Romanian governments ~ Revolutionising Africa’s Fight Against Smoking: A New Approach ~ OPINION | Harm reduction: the most effective tool for countries to go smoke-free ~ Trends in smoking and vaping: New Zealand Health Survey ~ Sweden bucks prohibitionist orthodoxy to become smoke-free
Two from Dave Cross, Planet Of The Vapes
Don’t Rush Legislation
The Coalition of Asia Pacific Harm Reduction Advocates (CAPHRA) is raising serious concerns about New Zealand’s proposed Smokefree Environments and Regulated Products Amendment Bill (No 2), urging MPs not to rush the legislation through Parliament before year’s end.
The Observer Gets Vaping
An opinion piece in The Observer actually gets vaping. Martha Gill acknowledges the threats posed by vaping – but she places them into context and emphasises the role vapes play in tobacco harm reduction. The piece has upset some, who took to social media to express their ignorance of the research, saying she is “falling for lobbyists’ arguments”, but it has been praised by a genuine expert in the field of vape research.
The VERITAS project changes the rules of vaping:
no significant respiratory symptoms reported by exclusive vapers
Center of Excellence for the Acceleration of Harm Reduction (CoEHAR)
An international study conducted as part of the VERITAS project has provided key insights into the respiratory health of exclusive e-cigarette users with no established history of smoking. Published in Scientific Reports, the study evaluated respiratory symptoms among adults who have never been regular smokers but use e-cigarettes, offering a rare perspective on the health effects of vaping in this specific population.
Revolutionising Africa’s Fight Against Smoking: A New Approach
Africa Harm Reduction Alliance (AHRA)
Tobacco use continues to claim countless lives across Africa, with Nigeria and Kenya alone losing 38,851 people annually to smoking-related illnesses. The report Saving 600,000 in Nigeria and Kenya highlights the transformative potential of Tobacco Harm Reduction (THR) strategies, such as e-cigarettes and nicotine pouches, to save over 600,000 lives by 2060.
Video within also here: Saving 600,000 in Nigeria and Kenya | Lives Saved Report
HRiSSA, TImes Live ZA
The public health benefits of an active harm reduction approach to the problem of tobacco smoking are becoming clearer all the time. This is because we can now compare the outcomes in countries that have put harm reduction at the centre of their efforts to combat smoking with their peers who have relied solely on conventional tobacco control methods.

A look back at how things have moved on or otherwise…
COP10: What if lives were saved?
Smoke Free Sweden
This week, COP10 should have taken place. We’re taking the opportunity to look at what COP10 could have achieved if it embraced tobacco harm reduction.
The Precarious Rise of Disposable Vapes
Grace Browne
To live in London in 2023 is to be perpetually engulfed in a cloud of cloyingly sweet vapor. The scent of Blue Razz Lemonade replaces traffic fumes; Banana Ice covers the rancid smell of rubbish.
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