Tag: Tandex

Monday’s News at a glance:- FDA’s So-Called Laser Targeted Advertising – Vaping In The News – December 7th – Flavors Aren’t the Main Reason Kids Vape – A ban on flavours will not help reduce smoking levels – Outbreak of Salmonella Poisoning – Sommet De La Vape – Loopy Lung Reports Lambasted – Australia’s ATHRA Heroes – Public Health Officials Should Support E-Cigs – This is the Real Reason Your State Wants to Ban Vaping – Bogus Studies Seek Ruin for Vaping – When patients ask about vaping – Does The ALA Have A Financial Conflict Of Interest? –  Officials list pot vape brands reported in US outbreak – Flavour ban will have ‘little impact – Tobacco-free snus a viable alternative in Africa – Baker mystified by response to vaping ban – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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