News 17th Dec 2014


A Good News Round Up!

See also Cochrane Report in the Features Section for more links

Electronic cigarettes for smoking cessation and reduction

Huge amount of positive press around today from the Cochrane Report

Combined results from two studies, involving over 600 people, showed that using an EC containing nicotine increased the chances of stopping smoking long-term compared to using an EC without nicotine. Using an EC with nicotine also helped more smokers reduce the amount they smoked by at least half compared to using an EC without nicotine. We could not determine if EC was better than a nicotine patch in helping people stop smoking because the number of participants in the study was low….


Study backs ‘vaping’ for smokers

“Vaping” can help traditional cigarette smokers kick the habit or at least cut down, a study has found.

The UK and New Zealand researchers behind the Cochrane Library review say the results are encouraging but that more studies are needed.

Trials show E-Cigarettes help smokers quit

Electronic cigarettes help smokers stop or cut down on their tobacco consumption without causing harmful side-effects, a review of clinical evidence has found.

The Cochrane Collaboration, an independent network of health researchers that exists to assess data about the efficacy and risks of drugs and medical procedures, has carried out its first analysis of E-Cigarettes.

Vapour Trail

THERE are few more reliable routes to an early grave than cigarette smoking. But despite the dangers, nicotine addicts find it almost impossible to kick the habit. Half of those who try to stop “cold turkey” will fail within a week. Fewer than 5% manage to stay clean for a year or more. Crutches such as nicotine patches or gum, which provide the drug without the cigarettes, can help—but only a little.

E-Cigarettes Top Smoking Among Youths, Study Says

Balanced article following the theme from yesterday.

WASHINGTON — A new federal survey has found that e-cigarette use among teenagers has surpassed the use of traditional cigarettes as smoking has continued to decline. Health advocates say the trend for e-cigarette use is dangerous because it is making smoking seem normal again. They also worry it could lead to an increase in tobacco smoking, though the new data do not show that.

 Vaping Rises to Record Highs, Smoking Falls to Record Lows, and Activists Insist ‘E-Cigarettes Are a Gateway to Smoking’

Putting this weeks junk press into context.

Whether you see that news as cause for alarm depends on whether you view e-cigarettes as a potentially lifesaving alternative to conventional cigarettes or as a menace to the youth of America. That, in turn, depends on how calmly you consider the evidence.


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