Vapers Digest 1st June

Wednesday’s News at a glance:

Fake news alert: WHO updates its post-truth fact sheet on e-cigarettes ~ The Takeaways ~ Why Are So Many Young People Taking Up Vaping? The Answers Are Foggy at Best ~ World Health Organization Needs to Embrace Harm Reduction for World No Tobacco Day ~ Government urged to integrate Tobacco Harm Reduction as part public health interventions ~ What Is The WHO Smoking? ~ Vapers Address Swedish MPs ~ sCOPe Livestream – World No Tobacco Day 2022 ~ Geoff Russ: Nova Scotia’s disastrous e-cigarette flavour ban should be a warning to the federal government ~ UK Vape News Sentiment Tracker – What Do The Press Say About Vaping? ~ Ongoing Tracker! ~ Fiscal policy clouds vaping business, boosts black market in Middle East ~ ETHRA May news roundup ~ Tobacco harm reduction–not prohibition–is the path forward for Maine

Fake news alert: WHO updates its post-truth fact sheet on e-cigarettes

Clive Bates, The Counterfactual

The World Health Organisation continues to present misleading information about e-cigarettes that spreads doubt and confusion among the public, media and policymakers. This post reviews its latest Q & A and finds multiple errors of analysis, misleading statements, and obvious biases.

The Takeaways

Clive Bates, Tobacco Reporter

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has had jurisdiction over tobacco products since Congress passed the Tobacco Control Act and it entered into force in 2009. Through its Center for Tobacco Products (CTP), the FDA regulates tobacco products, which include nicotine products such as e-cigarettes and e-liquids in the United States. With the recent retirement of Mitchell Zeller, the CTP’s director since 2013, it is an excellent time to take stock. Here we look at six lessons from the experience that might help guide regulation in other jurisdictions.

Why Are So Many Young People Taking Up Vaping?

The Answers Are Foggy at Best

Jack Revell, The Latch

Nicotine is one of the most addictive substances on Earth. Associated with cigarettes and the cancer — and other health conditions — they cause, nicotine itself is actually not considered harmful and evidence, although limited, would suggest it may actually be good for us.

Still, the ‘rise of teenage vaping’ has been the latest scare story fuelled by reports of schoolchildren vaping in classrooms and principals having to install vaping detectors in bathrooms.

Today marks the 35th anniversary of World No Tobacco Day (WNTD). Since 1988, the World Health Organization (WHO) has used the annual date to inform “the public on the dangers of using tobacco … and what people around the world can do to claim their right to health and healthy living and to protect future generations.”

Unfortunately for the millions of smokers around the world andthe millions of adult consumers of less harmful alternatives to smoking, the WHO remains steadfast in its opposition to tobacco harm reduction.

Executive Director of Harm Reduction Alliance Ghana, Samuel Cudjoe Hanu has underscored the importance of Tobacco Harm Reduction in improving public health and smoking addiction.

Tobacco Harm Reduction (THR) is a public health strategy adopted by health experts to lower the health risks to individuals and the wider society associated with using tobacco products.


TWO from Dave Cross, Planet of the Vapes

What Is The WHO Smoking?

UK-based e-liquid and disposable vape company, Riot Labs, has sent a pointed message to the World Health Organisation (WHO) ahead of World No Tobacco Day (31st May). The calendar event was created by the WHO in 1987 and has since been used to encourage smokers across the globe to quit smoking.

Vapers Address Swedish MPs

Last week, the global vaping advocacy group World Vapers Alliance delivered an open letter to the Swedish parliament urging policymakers to stop the flavour ban. It combined this with another protest to stand against the ban on vape flavours.


Geoff Russ: Nova Scotia’s disastrous e-cigarette flavour ban should be a warning to the federal government

Geoff Russ, National Post

You may have missed it, but May 30 was World Vape Day. In Canada, it took place amidst an atmosphere of uncertainty for those in the vaping industry, and vapers in general.

Health Canada is considering a countrywide flavour ban on all electronic cigarette products, except for the flavours of menthol and tobacco. While flavour bans are intended to reduce vaping rates among youth, that benefit is outweighed by its negative consequences: a flavour ban will kill jobs, drive many back to smoking cigarettes and pack cancer wards from Charlottetown to Victoria.

UK Vape News Sentiment Tracker – What Do The Press Say About Vaping? Ongoing Tracker!

Ecigclick Team

We recently shared in our Vape News about an study on the World Vapers Alliance (WVA) website which asks the question “How biased is the media about vaping?

The study in question was written by Michael Landl (Director of the WVA) and passionate vape advocate.

On this Day…2020

International experts in tobacco policy…

Say WHO is blocking innovation and wasting opportunities to save millions of lives
Clive Bates, The Counterfactual

As the World Health Organisation’s World No Tobacco Day takes aim at low-risk alternatives to smoking, several international experts have made critical comments in response.

Tobacco Prohibitionists…

Not Letting This Pandemic Go to Waste – Brad Rodu

Anti-tobacco forces are callously abusing COVID-19-driven anxiety, pain and suffering as they spew their unique brand of science-free propaganda.  A good example is a video interview, titled “The Dangers Of Vaping and Smoking During Coronavirus,” with Matt Myers, head of the Campaign For Tobacco-Free Kids (here).  Following are selected Myers quotes, with my observations (in bold).

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