In the News 4th Feb


Wednesdays News at a glance

Six months ago I had genuine concern sthat we were going to throw the baby out with the bath water … NEC Group signs three-year partnership with E-Lites … The curious case of the problem that isn’t a problem … Jo Lincoln and Bullying Packaging … Nicotine Science and Policy – Daily Digest – Wed, 4 February 2015 … Regulating E-Cigarettes – Steve Paikin (The Agenda) with David Sweanor & Mark Holland … Don’t by a VitaStik – Fergus Mason tells why

Six months ago I had genuine concerns

……that we were going to throw the baby out with the bath water

As a lifelong heavy smoker who has found redemption and a painless way to quit using e-cigarettes I had a personal axe to grind. I haven’t had a cigarette now for two and a half years but even so I still need the crutch of the electronic cigarettes. Intuitively I think I would find it relatively easy to give up electronic cigarettes but I am a great believer in picking the time to fight such battles. Fighting battles on too many fronts can mean you lose them all and I have a real fear that a ban on e-cigarettes would see me back smoking tobacco….

NEC Group signs three-year partnership with E-Lites

As part of the partnership, E-Lites’ branded products will be available to purchase at both the Barclaycard Arena and Genting Arena, with designated areas provided on site for customers to use electronic cigarettes….

The curious case of the problem that isn’t a problem.

Jo Lincoln and Bullying Packaging –

As the nation hurtles blindly towards its date with plain packs for cigarettes – no, in fact let’s not call them plain packs but let’s call them what they really are; bullying packs – untold numbers of “experts” and “campaigners” are crawling from beneath their rocks almost hourly to explain why this is all a very good idea and that none of the concerns raised about this policy have a basis in reality….

Don’t Buy VitaStik

Consumer advice from Fergus Mason –

Just occasionally, though, I’ll find myself with a visceral loathing of a vapour product company, and today that company is VitaCig. They appear to be mainly US-based for the moment, but they clearly have money behind them and may spread in the future. Hopefully not. I’m recommending that you steer well clear of this company’s products, and here’s why:

Regulating E-Cigarettes – Steve Paikin (The Agenda) with David Sweanor & Mark Holland 

A good debate, Prof Sweanor does a great job against a clueless opponent –

December 15, 2014. Steve Paikin from The Agenda discusses e-cigarettes & Vaping with the logical public health advocate David Sweanor vs Mark Holland, a fear mongering executive of The Heart & Stroke Foundation (Ontario).

Nicotine Science and Policy – Daily Digest – Wed, 4 February 2015

Ecigarette use dips in England amid health concerns

New Surgeon General Should Prescribe Scientific Honesty On E-Cigarettes

E-cigarettes tried by 20% of youth in national survey


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