In the News 2nd March


Mondays News at a glance:

Vapers In Power General Election Campaign 2015 .. eCigarettes – Why Is It Personal ? .. Danish TPD Proposals .. U-turn over ban on placing young children with parents who use e-cigarettes .. If You Lie About E-Cigarettes Often Enough, People Start to Believe You .. Ecig Briefing For Political Researchers .. Not feeling too optimistic with vaping at the moment .. Vaping One Cartridge is The Same Thing as Smoking 1 1/2 Packs of Cigarettes .. Nicotine Science and Policy – Daily Digest – Mon, 2 March 2015

Vapers In Power General Election Campaign 2015

Vapers In Power needs your help to field a candidate at the 2015 UK General Election. Pressure groups, trade organisations, lobbyists – all can be ignored but political candidates get airtime and are allowed to get their message across.


We will not be the David that slays Goliath but with your support we WILL be the vipers that bite the political Goliaths at every opportunity. The very people who should look after us are killing us with lies, half truths and feigned ignorance. We will bear the slings and arrows and…..

eCigarettes – Why Is It Personal ?

More from Midnight Musings

I thought I would take a slightly different tack with my latest blog entry. With sad advent of the death of Leonard Nimoy a few days ago, I have seen some wildly inaccurate claims, ghoulish band-wagon jumping, and downright complete ignorance expressed on social media and even in some newspapers. Like many people, I was appalled at the behaviour of many in the Tobacco Control Industry who immediately jumped upon the man’s unfortunate death to push their own agendas by highlighting the fact that he once smoked (which he gave up 30 years ago)

U-turn over ban on placing young children with parents who use e-cigarettes 

Adoption chiefs have ended a ban on young children being placed with e-cigarette users after The Mail on Sunday highlighted the ‘misguided’ policy.
Last week, this newspaper told how a professional, middle-aged couple had been barred from adopting after a social worker spotted the would-be father ‘smoking’ an e-cigarette.
But last Monday, just 24 hours after we published our story, the British Association of Adoption and Fostering (BAAF) updated to its guidance, saying it had changed its e-cigarette policy….

Danish TPD Proposals

Denmark has just started a hearing on a new law-proposal (+), implementing the TPD in about as draconian a way as possible, hearing runs until the 20th of March, and then there will be 3 rounds of negotiations amongst politicians, and is supposed to be implemented in November. So far it seems as if there is general goodwill towards the proposal, probably because of the 18 year rule alone. The general misconception is that it is a good law, because it will make nicotine containing products legal in Denmark as tobacco-products, as opposed to the current situation where nicotine containing liquids are illegal (but sold anyways)….

If You Lie About E-Cigarettes Often Enough, People Start to Believe You

In a new study, the profound level of public misunderstanding about tobacco harm reduction products (THR products) like chewing tobacco, snus and e-cigarettes has been revealed. Among other findings, the study reveals that just under half of those who’ve heard about e-cigarettes believe them to be either as harmful as smoking or even more so. And it gets worse for THR overall, with less than one in ten knowing that smokeless tobacco products are less harmful than cigarettes….

Ecig Briefing For Political Researchers

The PDF linked below is a post I made on a forum, where a researcher working for a politician in North-East England had posted asking for comments. She gave the text of an article appearing in a newspaper that had been written by the politician to outline his opinions on vaping. The reply is included in full in order to give the correct context. The PDF was requested by advocates who wanted a portable version of the materials….

Not feeling too optimistic with vaping at the moment

It is all well and good for a concerted push to get people involved in advocacy, I have been doing what I can by writing to my MP, signing all the petitions, joining in with twitter bombs and sharing stuff, doing as much as I can, but I’m sorry to tell you that a lot of smokers/vapers are not interested in going to those extremes and keep their head down, where I may ask have all the vendors been in this fight, fucking nowhere to be seen until recently, too busy making money to worry about all this and the TPD, and now every day a new ban crops up somewhere or other, they are starting to worry, but it is still only a few, most of the science studies done to date have been paid for by the consumers by crowd funding, where was the vendor contributions, a bit late to the party now it is all under threat….

Vaping One Cartridge is The Same Thing as Smoking 1 1/2 Packs of Cigarettes

Anti-Smoking Advocate Claims:

In an article published in the Ft. Wayne (IN) Health Sentinel, the executive director of the Indiana Youth Institute was quoted as stating: “If you used the entire (e-liquid) canister at one time, it would be the same as smoking 1 1/2 packs of cigarettes at one time.”

Nicotine Science and Policy – Daily Digest – Mon, 2 March 2015


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