Vapers Digest 9th October
Wednesday’s News at a glance:
Essential in Our World”—NYC Harm Reductionist on Vaping ~ Going smoke free like Sweden will add years to your life, Lancet reveals ~ Swapping cigarettes for vapes as ‘Swaptober’ gets underway in Devon ~ Innocent victims caught in the crossfire of Melbourne’s illegal tobacco war ~ Why Kenya’s Senate Should Reconsider the Proposed Tobacco Control Bill Amendments ~ Global Vape Alliance Signs Declaration ~ Scottish Figures Highlight A Worrying Gap ~ Steep fall in young smokers in past decade, official data shows ~ Youth E-Cigarette Use Down In Tennessee, Traditional Tobacco Use Remains Low ~ The U.S. Remains Obsessed With Teen Vaping Despite Data Indicating That This is No Issue ~ French Vape Organization SOVAPE Will Shut Down ~ 7-Eleven, Circle K’s US cigarette sales at risk from vapes, cheap smokes ~ Why the American Lung Association’s Anti-Zyn Campaign Risks Harming Public Health Efforts ~ EVEN THE AUTHORITIES ARE CONFUSED! | Lucian on Brazil’s public health headache ~ Quit Like Sweden: Fredrik Nyström on How Snus Can Help Reduce Smoking (Malaysia 2024)
Essential in Our World”—NYC Harm Reductionist on Vaping
“Harm reduction for tobacco is essential in our world,” says Jerry Otero. “So many of the people that I work with smoke cigarettes.”
Otero has been practicing harm reduction for over two decades with people who use banned drugs and face many challenges, like homelessness, in New York City.
Going smoke free like Sweden will add years to your life, Lancet reveals
Smoke Free Sweden
New research from The Lancet reveals that going smoke free like Sweden would increase life expectancy around the world and prevent millions of premature deaths by 2050.
According to the research, reducing smoking levels to less than 5% by 2050 could increase global life expectancy by one year for men and by 0.2 years for women. This is equivalent to an additional 735 million healthy years for men and 141 million healthy years for women.
Swapping cigarettes for vapes as ‘Swaptober’ gets underway in Devon
Dawlish Gazette
SMOKERS in Devon who wish to kick the habit may be given vape starter kits to help them quit. Dubbed ‘Swaptober’, the campaign, which is being prompted by Public Heath Devon, is a part of new measures to help the government meet its ambition for the country to be smokefree by 2030.
Diane Caruana, Vaping Post
Despite the data indicating that vaping is leading to decreased smoking rates, and that vaping rates themselves are on a downward trend, many US policymakers remain obsessed with setting restrictions on vaping products.
French Vape Organization SOVAPE Will Shut Down
Jim McDonald, Vaping 360
French consumer vaping organization SOVAPE announced this week it will dissolve. The group has been active since 2016.
Best known for organizing three Vape Summits in France between 2016 and 2019, SOVAPE also co-founded of the European Tobacco Harm Reduction Advocates (ETHRA) umbrella group. Since 2019, the group has commissioned annual surveys of French public opinion on vaping and nicotine conducted by major market research firm BVA.

A look back at how things have moved on or otherwise…
UK to defy calls for vaping ban
Sam Blanchard – The Sun
MINISTERS will stand up to hardline global health chiefs next month to defend our “world-leading” swap-to-stop free vapes scheme.
Proven Correct
Largest U.S. Study Shows E-Cigs Help Smokers Quit | RegWatch
It’s the largest study of its kind in the United States, which shows e-cigarettes are effective in helping smokers to quit—just don’t call it “cessation.”
In many countries, making smoking cessation claims in advertising and marketing is illegal. And, for tobacco control researchers writing funding applications, investigating cessation is a non-starter.
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