Vapers Digest 4th September
Wednesday’s News at a glance:
Global Action to End Smoking Files Amicus Brief with U.S. Supreme Court Seeking FDA’s Proper Application of Public Health Standard ~ Finland plans to raise tax on tobacco products but not vapes ~ Gov’t Urged to Revise Tobacco Control Act 2016 ~ “Pragmatism to reduce smoking in Spain” ~ The Expert Exchange: Doctor Colin Mendelsohn ~ OPINION: Ottawa’s anti-science war on safer nicotine alternatives ~ ‘Spice Vapes’ Warning ~ Peter Hajek Gets It ~ Industry Boss Says BMA Is “Deluded” ~ FDA Briefs U.S. Supreme Court on the Nicotine Brain Fallacy ~ AVI RESPONSE TO EDITORIAL IN THE HINDU ~ ETHRA July and August news roundup ~ FDA Is Potentially Pushing Vapers Toward Dangerous Alternatives
Gov’t Urged to Revise Tobacco Control Act 2016
Tobacco Harm Reduction Uganda (THR Uganda), a leading advocate for tobacco harm reduction in the country, has called on the government to revise the Tobacco Control Act 2016, arguing that while the legislation controls the demand for the consumption of tobacco and its products, the supply of tobacco and its products to the population, and protecting the environment from the effects of tobacco production and consumption and exposure to tobacco smoke, it falls short of providing solutions to smokers seeking to quit cigarettes.
Below is our detailed, referenced response to the above opinion piece published in The Hindu on August 26, 2024. The article, written by clinical psychologist Bhavna Barmi, exaggerates vaping harms with false claims and misrepresents data, which fans anti-vaping hysteria. We support well-conceived measures to combat teen vaping, but call for a pragmatic discussion and policymaking which also balances the needs of India’s 270 million adult tobacco users, of which 100 million smoke.

A look back at how things have moved on or otherwise…
Harmonizing Tobacco Harm Reduction
& RRP Waste Management: A Dual Road to Sustainability
Idwala Research
In our blog, Is RRP waste the biggest threat to THR?, we argued that the risks of not implementing comprehensive reduced-risk product (RRP) waste management solutions aren’t limited to environmental concerns alone. It threatens the very foundation of tobacco harm reduction. While many opponents of THR have historically hinged their arguments on oft-debunked science, the concerns surrounding RRP waste and its environmental impact stand on firmer scientific ground and indeed need addressing.
Standing for harm reduction:
The EU’s duty to smokers worldwide – Liza Katsiashvili
In an increasingly interconnected world, the actions of one region can reverberate far beyond its borders. Nowhere is this more evident than in matters of public health and harm reduction. As the European Union grapples with its stance on harm reduction strategies for smokers, the implications of its decisions stretch well beyond its borders, impacting global health and the fight against smoking-related harm.
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