Vapers Digest 24th July

Wednesday’s News at a glance:

We Have a Problem with Whitty ~ Adults Vaping for Longer ~ CAPHRA Call to Asia Pacific Governments ~ Will SCOTUS Break Big Tobacco’s Grip on Nicotine? ~ Study: Heated Tobacco Products Increase Smoking Cessation Chances; 99.4% of Users Switched from Traditional Cigarettes ~ Scotland joins forces with Westminster on vaping ~ America’s best-selling vape given the OK – but only in tobacco ~ Rating the evidence – good and bad science – Panel Discussion #3 | #GFN24 ~ 10 reasons why the new pharmacy vape model will fail ~

Three from Dave Cross, Planet of the Vapes:

We Have a Problem with Whitty

Professor Chris Whitty has made a wild claim about the addictive

ness of vaping and there appears to be no reliable evidence to support it. Attendees at the regional meeting were left flummoxed by Professor Whitty’s statement as the research experts were unaware of any research available to inform such a position. The incident feeds in to a growing feeling that the Chief Medical Officer is relying more on feelings than facts when it comes to vaping.

Adults Vaping for Longer

The number of adults in England who report vaping for more than six months has increased substantially from around one in 80 in 2013 to one in 10 in 2023, according to a new study led by researchers at University College London. The paper “Trends in long term vaping among adults in England, 2013-23: population based study” has been published in the British Medical Journal.

CAPHRA Call to Asia Pacific Governments

The Coalition of Asia Pacific Tobacco Harm Reduction Advocates (CAPHRA) is urging governments across the Asia Pacific region to follow New Zealand’s lead and allow the sale of oral nicotine products as part of a comprehensive tobacco harm reduction strategy.


Peter Clark, American Institute for Economic Research (AIER)
The Supreme Court recently announced it will review a case where the FDA denied marketing approval for two e-cigarette makers selling flavored products. The FDA is looking to appeal a 5th Circuit Court of Appeals decision, ruling that the rejections were “arbitrary and capricious” and “unannounced requirements for certain types of studies.”
Since 2016, when the FDA extended Pre-Market Tobacco Application (PMTA) requirements to e-cigarettes, Big Tobacco has tightened its grip on the market.

Study: Heated Tobacco Products Increase Smoking Cessation

Chances; 99.4% of Users Switched from Traditional Cigarettes

Ashraf Alhady, ARQAM

A recent research study conducted by experts at the Korea Institute for Industrial Economics and Trade revealed that the majority of heated tobacco product users were previously smokers of traditional cigarettes before switching to newer products that heat tobacco instead of burning it.

Two From Ali Anderson, Clearing The Air

Scotland joins forces with Westminster on vaping

The Scottish government has agreed to collaborate with Westminster on tough new measures to control vaping.

New laws such as the Tobacco and Vapes bill would normally be controlled at Holyrood in Edinburgh.

But Scottish officials have agreed to allow Whitehall departments in London to include Scotland in this and other upcoming Westminster bills. Ministers at Holyrood will then give the measures legislative consent.

America’s best-selling vape given the OK – but only in tobacco

 Federal health officials have authorised sales of the best-selling vape in the U.S. – but only in tobacco flavour.The decision applies to several tobacco-flavoured versions of the popular Vuse reusable vape, which takes nicotine cartridges.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) had previously rejected manufacturer Reynolds American’s application for its more popular menthol flavour, which the company is now challenging in court.

Global Forum on Nicotine

The hosts, together with a panel representing scientists, consumers and other stakeholders will review a selection of scientific papers, published in the past 12 months, on nicotine and THR-related issues, identifying the best and worst examples. GFN 2024 Panel Discussion #3 – hosted by Clive Bates with panellists: Arielle Selya, Gizelle Baker and Roberto Sussman.

10 reasons why the new pharmacy vape model will fail

Dr. Colin Mendelsohn, Tobacco Treatment

FROM 1 OCTOBER 2024, vapes and e-liquids (with or without nicotine) will be classified as Schedule 3 medicines and will be legally available without a prescription only from pharmacies.

In a real-world episode of the comedy series Utopia, Mark Butler’s Vaping Reform legislation was finalised in a last-minute backroom deal with the Greens, without any consultation with the pharmacy profession. Experts acknowledge communication was badly bungled.

On this Day…2020

A look back at how things have moved on or otherwise…

Canada takes a wrong turn

After a flawed paper induces moral panic about youth vaping and smoking
Clive Bates, The Counterfactual

In June 2019, an influential and well-respected research group published a paper in the BMJ showing both a sharp rise in youth vaping in Canada between 2017 and 2018 – mirroring the rise in the United States.  But the truly shocking finding was that there had also been a sharp rise in youth smoking (not seen in the United States).

Differences in Nicotine Intake

From Smoking Vs Vaping in Dual Users – Diane Caruana

The study recruited 36 healthy participants who used both cigarettes and e-cigarettes. The amount of nicotine in the participants’ plasma was measured, alongside their level of nicotine withdrawal, urge to smoke and vape, affective states, cravings, and satisfaction and psychological reward from vaping as compared to smoking.

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