Vapers Digest 11th September




Wednesday’s News at a glance:

Vape Industry Anxious for Triton Hearing ~ Mixed Feelings at PMTA Anniversary ~ Czech Republic to ban flavoured vapes and hike tax ~ Teen vaping in U.S. hits 10-year low ~ ERS Makes More Wild Claims ~ Lords Debate Children Vaping ~ Experts React to Unpublished Abstract ~ Youth Vapor Product Use at Historic Lows, Use of New Oral Nicotine Products Still Low ~ New regulations cause nicotine pouch shortage across Canada ~ Opinion: Nicotine pouches are helping me quit smoking. Ottawa shouldn’t ban them ~ A Primer on the City of Stockholm’s attempts to revoke Snusbolaget Norden’s sales permit ~ Stanton Glantz Demands FDA Bans Nic Salts and Pouches in Light of New CDC Use Figures ~ “Speech Regulation and Tobacco Harm Reduction” ~ Experimenting with different vapes could be crucial to help people quit smoking ~ Vape experimentation could be vital to help people quit smoking

Two From Tobacco Reporter

Representatives of the U.S. vapor industry expressed mixed feelings at the four-year anniversary of the filing of the first premarket tobacco product applications (PMTAs).

Since the Sept. 9, 2020, deadline, the Food and Drug Administration’s Center for Tobacco Products (CTP) has received applications for 26 million novel tobacco products, mostly electronic cigarettes or e-cigarettes.

Two From Ali Anderson, Clearing The Air


New regulations cause nicotine pouch shortage across Canada

Christopher Oldcorn, Western Standard News

New rules stopping convenience stores from selling nicotine pouches have left many Canadians scrambling to find the product.

On August 28, the federal government stopped the sale of nicotine pouches in convenience stores and banned flavours.

They can only be sold behind the counter in pharmacies.

Users have found it difficult to find the nicotine pouches, as many pharmacies do not have them in stock yet.

Kurt Laver, Financial Post

I’m a plumber who owns his own business in the Niagara Region, and I’ve been a smoker for 14 years. I have no relationship — personal, paid, professional, whatever — with the tobacco industry, except that I am a longtime user of their products.

Over the last six months I’ve been using nicotine pouches to try to get away from cigarettes. I’ve managed to go from smoking as many as 16 cigarettes a day to just one or two, all because of nicotine pouches. I am sure other people have experienced similar benefits from pouches.

A look back at how things have moved on or otherwise…

The Butler Express. …

Coming to a town near you! – Colin Mendelsohn

MINISTER BUTLER’S UPDATED VAPING REGULATIONS are outlined in a recent Consultation Paper. Consultation has been sought as a box-ticking exercise, with 2 weeks to respond! Based on past experience, it is almost certain that the plan will be submitted for legislation with minor, if any, changes.

Tobacco exceptionalism?

Christopher Snowdon, Velvet Glove Iron Fist

Is tobacco a unique product or not? Let’s ask comedy professor Anna Gilmore.

Anna Gilmore, 2007:

‘The International Monetary Fund encourages privatization of state-owned industries, including tobacco industries, to help address macroeconomic problems and promote economic growth; however, it fails to consider the unique nature of an industry whose product kills.’

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