Vapers Digest 31st July

Wednesday’s News at a glance:

Smoking and vulnerable populations: supporting smoking cessation and tobacco harm reduction in social work ~ Do your own research: How to evaluate scientific papers and abstracts in smoking cessation ~ FDA brags about refusing tens of thousands of applications from small vape manufacturers ~ Brits baffled by vaping laws, study finds ~  ZYN, snus and the sometimes confusing world of terminology. ~ UKVIA Writes to the Secretary of State ~ Glantz Away Now ~ More Reaction to Government’s Plans ~ New Zealand to become smoke-free country by promoting vaping ~ Kentucky Judge Dismisses Lawsuit Challenging PMTA Registry Law ~ CAPHRA Calls Out Misinformation On Vaping As Blatant Propaganda ~ July – Episode 34 Series Let’s talk e-cigarettes ~ Guess which tobacco giant profits from vape products sold by chemists? ~ The global culture war over THR – Panel Discussion #4

Smoking and vulnerable populations: supporting smoking

cessation and tobacco harm reduction in social work

Global State of Tobacco Harm Reduction (GSTHR)


Smoking and the use of other high-risk tobacco products are often disproportionately high among marginalised or vulnerable communities. As part of their role, social work professionals build relationships with individuals who will often be from these communities. When appropriately trained and resourced, social workers could therefore play an important part in supporting smoking cessation and tobacco harm reduction with many of the people who need it most.

Katherine Ellen Foley, MA, and Elsa Larson, PhD, MS, Global Action To End Smoking

One of the most impactful ways you can take control of your health is to make informed choices based on the most up-to-date research.

Journalists strive to write stories about the latest scientific papers in a way that a larger audience without a scientific degree can understand. Sometimes, they’re excellent and present relevant, factually accurate information for their readers. But other times, flashy headlines or rushed reporting leads to stories that lack the detail and nuance you need to decide the best steps to take for your health.


 ZYN, snus and the sometimes confusing world of terminology.

Richard Crosby, The Daily Pouch

Language is an intriguing topic, the wording used to describe products has a large impact on how they are perceived by the public, media and politicians. These perceptions have an impact on policy. Perhaps if vape manufacturers had gone with ‘blueberry’ as to opposed to ‘blueberry razz candy cooler’ we wouldn’t have seen such an adverse reaction to them from some quarters.

Three from Dave Cross, Planet of the Vapes:

UKVIA Writes to the Secretary of State

The UK Vaping Industry Association has written to new Secretary of State for Health and Social Care Wes Streeting, as well as public health minister Andrew Gwynne and Shadow Health Secretary Victoria Atkins, asking for a meeting to discuss how vaping can best support the nation’s smokefree ambitions.

Glantz Away Now

Stanton Glantz is back with another ridiculous hot take about vaping and people have been slamming him for it during an exchange about the evidence in his latest paper – “Population-Based Disease Odds for E-Cigarettes and Dual Use versus Cigarettes”, published in New England Journal of Medicine Evidence (NEJM Evidence).

More Reaction to Government’s Plans

Scientists and experts have reacted to the new government’s pledges contained within the King’s speech covering health and bringing down cancer rates. Professor Dame Sally Davies, Professor Andrew Morris, Dr Ian Walker, and Dr Charmaine Griffiths all shared their perspective but failed again to push the case for tobacco harm reduction.

New Zealand to become smoke-free country by promoting vaping

Jhoo Dong-chan, The Korea Times

New Zealand is expected to become a smoke-free country soon.

Recognized by the World Health Organization, a smoke-free status is granted to a country with adult smoking rates below 5 percent. New Zealand’s smoking rate among individuals aged 15 and older reached 6.8 percent last year.

The New Zealand government believes the rate is set to reach below the 5 percent level by 2025.

Jim McDonald, Vaping 360

A Kentucky judge has dismissed a lawsuit challenging the state’s new PMTA registry law. The new law will ban the sale in Kentucky of all vape products except those that have either have received FDA authorization, are still undergoing review by the FDA, are currently undergoing appeal, or have had an FDA marketing denial order (MDO) stayed or reversed by the FDA or a court.

The law, which passed both houses of the Kentucky General Assembly in March, was signed into law by Governor Andy Beshear in April. It will take effect Jan. 1, 2025.

CAPHRA Calls Out Misinformation On Vaping As Blatant Propaganda

Coalition of Asia Pacific Tobacco Harm Reduction Advocates (CAPHRA)

The Coalition of Asia Pacific Tobacco Harm Reduction Advocates (CAPHRA) is calling out the rampant misinformation about tobacco harm reduction as blatant propaganda perpetuated by factions within the tobacco control community. These factions refuse to accept the proven role of reduced-risk products in helping people quit smoking, thereby undermining public health efforts.

July – Episode 34 Series Let’s talk e-cigarettes

Jamie Hartmann-Boyce, Nicola Lindson, University Of Oxford – Podcasts
Jamie Hartmann-Boyce and Nicola Lindson discuss emerging evidence in e-cigarette research interview Jamie Brown, University College London
Associate Professor Jamie Hartmann-Boyce and Associate Professor Nicola Lindson discuss the new evidence in e-cigarette research and interview Professor Jamie Brown. Jamie Brown is Professor of Behavioural Science and Director of the Tobacco and Alcohol Research Group at University College London. He co-leads a research programme that aims to provide insights into population-wide influences on smoking, smoking cessation and alcohol reduction via management and analysis of the major population surveys, the Smoking and Alcohol Toolkit Study. He is also involved in the development of digital behaviour change technologies. His particular focus is on real-world monitoring and evaluation of national tobacco control and alcohol policies, events and stop smoking treatments including e-cigarettes and nicotine replacement therapy.

Guess which tobacco giant profits from vape products sold by chemists?

 Peter Brewer, The North West Star

As pharmacies around Australia become our new vape dispensers, those smokers looking to quit the habit through vaping may be surprised to learn that a familiar manufacturer is producing the pre-filled nicotine vape pods.

Yes, it’s your old smoking buddy Phillip Morris, home of the Marlboro man.

Global Forum on Nicotine

An examination of the nature of the THR debate, including different factions’ objectives and the tactics being used, such as misinformation, emotive appeals and personal attacks. Panellists will share their own experiences, discuss why the debate is being conducted as it is, and ask how we should best operate in a challenging and often hostile environment. GFN 2024 Panel Discussion #4 – hosted by Will Godfrey with panellists: Marewa Glover, Rohan Sequeira, Maria Papaioannoy-Duic, Christopher Snowdon

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