Vapers Digest 7th June

Friday’s News at a glance:

IBVTA launches six-point manifesto – The Social Democrats Fiddle While Ireland Burns – Vaping on Holidays – WHO Is Failing at Lifesaving – FDA Rescinds Juul Denial Order – Supreme Court Will Discuss Vaping Petitions – Building Bridges and Planting Seeds – 5 scientific studies that prove vaping is FAR LESS harmful – Study finds methods to quit smoking effective – Big Money at the Table as Vapers Roll the Dice – Two researchers discuss the health impact of vaping – European Union countries push for EU-wide flavour ban

IBVTA launches six-point manifesto

For the independent vape industry

The IBVTA’s Responsible Vaping Manifesto, launched today neatly and succinctly sets out the vape sector’s asks and what the next government should ensure.

The IBVTA is intent on working collaboratively with the new Government to ensure that vaping policy, law and regulation is developed in a way which ultimately achieves the shared objectives of reducing youth vaping, while recognising, and not disproportionately impacting the proven role of vaping in supporting adult smoking cessation.

The IBVTA is calling on all political parties to ensure the following:

The Social Democrats Fiddle

While Ireland Burns – Luke McAllister

Since I was born, Irish politics has always been a bit of a mess. For a long time, it was dominated by figures like Charles Haughey and Bertie Ahern, essentially people who were a byword for sleaze and corruption.

However, nothing sums up the sad state of current affairs more than the fact that the current crop of TDs makes me yearn for the days of Ahern standing ankle-deep in floodwater in what was a fairly transparent attempt to be a man of the people.

Sure, few Irish citizens truly believed that he was a man of the people. But at least he tried to be. At a minimum, Ahern recognised two things: that his ostensible role was to serve the people, and his only route to power was making himself likeable and relatable.


Two from Dave Cross, Planet of the Vapes:

Vaping on Holidays

If you look out of the window, it might have stopped raining. So, turn up that thermostat to stay warm as you paw a holiday destinations catalogue. Meanwhile, we list out the things you need to remember about travelling with you vape kit and which destinations may present a problem. Bon vacances!

Over the next few months Brits are going to be packing cases, moaning at airports, and choking to death as they walk through the Duty-Free perfume section. The lucky few who successfully make it through to the departures lounge will suddenly find themselves facing a world of vape confusion. Read on to provide clarity.

WHO Is Failing at Lifesaving

The World Health Organization fails to recognise lifesaving qualities of smoke-free nicotine alternatives, says Smoke Free Sweden. The leading global health experts urged the World Health Organization to use World No Tobacco Day to recognise the lifesaving potential of alternative nicotine products, but the Bloomberg influence organisation spurned the opportunity.

Smoke Free Sweden says: “The World Health Organization has repeatedly failed to highlight the transformative and lifesaving impact that alternative products, such as e-cigarettes and nicotine pouches, have had on adults looking to quit smoking.”

Two from Jim McDonald, Vaping 360:

FDA Rescinds Juul Denial Order

Nearly two years after ordering all Juul products removed from the market for supposed toxicological concerns, the FDA has rescinded its marketing denial order (MDO), and placed Juul Labs’ marketing application back into scientific review.

On June 23, 2022, the FDA Center for Tobacco Products announced that Juul’s premarket tobacco application (PMTA) “lacked sufficient evidence regarding the toxicological profile of the products to demonstrate that marketing of the products would be appropriate for the protection of the public health.”

US reverses ban on Juul vaping products – BBC

Supreme Court Will Discuss Petitions

The U.S. Supreme Court has set a conference date of June 20 to review four outstanding petitions related to FDA regulation of vaping products. The four cases are:

In the Magellan, Lotus and Logic cases, the manufacturers lost marketing denial order (MDO) appeals in federal courts, and have petitioned the Supreme Court to grant writs of certiorari, agreeing to review the decisions. In the case that has garnered the most attention, the FDA has petitioned the court to review its Fifth Circuit Court loss in the MDO appeal by Triton Distribution.

Building Bridges and Planting Seeds

Kim “Skip” Murray

Every sunrise fills me with hope. A new day is a new beginning, and I sit in awe as the day comes to life. I love seeing the sky lit up with vivid hues, the sun’s rays lighting the treetops, and the birds breaking out in a chorus of joy.

This AI-generated image has a lot of symbolism for me. It shows a rising sun illuminating a field of sunflowers. The field is divided by a river. Sunflowers are reflecting on the water. There is a bridge with a railing arching over the river.

The sunflowers represent all of us. Each has traits that make us unique individuals, yet we all have something in common.

European Union countries push for…

EU-wide flavour ban – Alastair Cohen

The European Council – the most powerful legislative body in the European Union – will debate proposals for an EU-wide flavour ban for all nicotine products in a session on 21st June.

Two confidential documents seen by Clearing the Air will be debated at the June session of EPSCO, which is made up of Ministers of Health from the 27 EU Member States.

The first, authored by Latvia and supported by Cyprus, Estonia, Ireland, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Portugal, Slovenia and Spain, is titled a “call for action to protect young people from harm caused by novel tobacco and nicotine products”.

5 scientific studies that prove vaping …

Is FAR LESS harmful than smoking – Ali Anderson

The risks of smoking are clear: cigarettes kill over half of their long-term users. The tobacco epidemic is one of the biggest public health threats the world has ever faced, killing more than eight million people per year worldwide.

Experts agree that vaping is one of the most effective tools to help smokers quit. However, a recent study shows that most smokers wrongly believe that vaping is at least as harmful as smoking.

Here we round up five scientific studies that prove vaping is far less risky to health than smoking.

Study finds methods to quit smoking …

Effective regardless of mental health history

Sarah Jackson and colleagues from University College London and King’s College London branches of the SPECTRUM Consortium conducted a survey to study how mental health relates to methods people use to quit smoking, also known as smoking cessation aids.

While the number of adults who smoke cigarettes has declined globally, people with mental health conditions are more likely to smoke and to do so more heavily. Because of these differences in tobacco use, the researchers theorized that the effectiveness of smoking cessation aids may be altered in individuals with a mental health condition.

Big Money at the Table

As Vapers Roll the Dice –  John A. Jenkins

Two companies that go by the names of Triton Distribution and Vapetasia are small players in America’s fast-growing $28 billion e-cigarette market.

Despite their size, they’ve become the unlikely protagonists in a federal lawsuit that points a dagger at the heart of the Food and Drug Administration’s authority to regulate flavored e-cigarettes and vaping products. The case has received scant media attention thus far. But that may be about to change.

Two researchers discuss the health impact

Of vaping – Gracyn Doctor, Matthew Peddie

On this episode of “Florida Matters,” we talk with experts from FAU and Moffitt Cancer Center about the health impacts of vaping — both on adults and youth.

Vaping has surged in popularity, even as overall smoking rates have declined. Among teens who use tobacco products, e-cigarettes are more popular than smoking traditional cigarettes or other ways to consume nicotine. That’s raised the alarm for public health experts and triggered new laws to try and curb teen vaping.

On this Day…2023

A look back at how things have moved on or otherwise….

World Health Organisation

Exploits tobacco farmers, the hungry, sick and poor in its crude activism
Clive Bates, The Counterfactual

On World No Tobacco Day, the WHO launches a campaign to “grow food, not tobacco” supposedly to address hunger and tackle tuberculosis (TB). None of it makes any sense.
WHO continues its mission to become the most foolish and inept international organisation to bestride the globe. This time with an absurd ill-judged campaign about tobacco farming.

W.H.O. boss lies about vaping

Christopher Snowdon,

Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, once of the Tigray People’s Liberation Front and now Director-General of the World Health Organisation, held a press conference on Friday in which he shamelessly lied about e-cigarettes.

“When the tobacco industry introduced electronic cigarettes and vaping, one narrative they tried to really sell is, is that this is part of harm reduction. It is not true. It actually is a trap.”

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