

(Mar 2014) German Cancer Research Center – E-Cigs – An Overview**

(Mar 2014) Drexel University – What the chemistry of contaminants in E-Cigs tells us about health risks

(Mar 2014) Dr Farsalinos – Glycerol CANNOT cause lipoid pneumonia (but other things can)

(Mar 2014) Dr Farsalinos – response to study showing Aromatic hydrocarbons in second-hand vaping

(Feb 2014) Ecigarette Reviewed – Comparison of E-cig Emissions With Those of Human Breath, Outdoor Air, and Tobacco Smoke

(Jan 2014) Carl V Phillips – Fatal flaws in Schober et al. paper on environmental vapor

(Dec 2013) Dr Farsalinos – E-cigs, contrary to tobacco, do not stiffen the arteries

(Nov 2013) Oxford Journals – Secondhand Exposure to Vapors From Electronic Cigarettes

(Nov 2013) Dr Farsalinos – Research on safety of electronic cigarettes 404 Link

(Oct 2013) Dr Farsalinos – Evaluation of the cytotoxic potential of e-cig vapor on cultured cardiac cells

(Sep 2013) ACSH – E-cigs found safe for coronary circulation

(Aug 2013) CASAA – Study confirms that chemicals in e-cigs pose minimal health risk

(Aug 2013) Drexel University – Study shows no risk from e-cig contaminants

(Aug 2013) americanchemistry – Formaldehyde

(Aug 2013) Drexel University – The Chemistry of contaminants in E-Cigs

(June 2013) Dr Farsalinos – Evaluation of E-cig Use Estimation of Liquid Consumption

(June 2013) Dr Farsalinos – toxicology study on vapor Duplicated

(June 2013) ECITA – Lipoid Pneumonia case 404 Link

(May 2013) “Addiction” journal – E-Liquid Makes the Grade

(Jul 2012) Schripp T – Does e-cig consumption cause passive vaping?

(2010?) MHRA Nicorette Quickmist Inhalator (includes propylene glycol on page 5) – MHRA Approval Document  Moved to NRT

(unknown) CDC – Toxicology of propylene glycol

(Jul 2009) Exponent Health Sciences – Technical Review and Analysis of FDA Report: “Evaluation of e-cigarettes”

(Jul 2009) Tobacco Truth – Response to the results of the (infamous) FDA E-Cig testing

(unknown) canadavapes – The safety of Propylene Glycol

(1947 !!) Journal of Pharmacology – 18 month animal testing of exposure to high levels of propylene glycol


(Feb 2014) Dr Farsalinos et al – Nicotine absorption from e-cig use: comparison between first and new-generation devices

(Jan 2014) American Council on Science and Health – Nicotine and Health

(Jan 2014) Jacques le Houezec – The positive effects of nicotine

(Jan 2014) Dr Farsalinos – The European Commission misinterpreted my scientific research on nicotine in e-cigs (for the TPD)

(Jan 2014) saveecigs – Nicotine levels and the TPD

(Dec 2013) Dr Jacques Le Houezec – Interview on E-Liquid and Nicotine

(Dec 2013) Matt Gluggles blog – Why 20mg in e-cigs is NOT the same as 20 cigarettes

(Dec 2013) – Nicotine (addictiveness, effects, benefits, performance, costs, health issues, dependence)

(various) FlavourArt – 4.5% (45mg/ml) is most equivalent to tobacco cigs

e-cigarette-politics website – The Great Nicotine Myth

(Nov 2013) Jacques Le Houezec – Nicotine safety in the context of
e-cigarette use and tobacco dependence

(Oct 2013) Dr Farsalinos – Nicotine Lethal Dose in Humans

(Sep 2013) Dr Farsalinos – Evaluating nicotine levels and patterns of use in “vapers” who achieved complete substitution of smoking

(Sep 2013) Dr Farsalinos – Evaluating nicotine levels selection in a group of “vapers”

(Aug 2013) Independant Scientific Committee on Drugs – Nicotine briefing

(June 2013) wellness – How can nicotine be good for me ?

(Jan 2013) ECITA – How much nicotine is absorbed using an E-Cig

(1999) Oxford Journals – Test of Nicotine’s Permeability through Human Skin. Risk Evaluation and Safety Aspects


(Feb 2014) NHS – Prescription Cost Analysis Data (since 2008)

(Feb 2014) Jamie Brown – E-Cigs better for quitting than no aid, OTC NRT worse than no aid

(Feb 2014) ScienceDirect – How effective and cost-effective was media smoking cessation campaign ‘Stoptober’?

(Jan 2014) ASH – Electronic Cigarettes (updated)

(Jan 2014) Addiction journal – NRT is Ineffective for Smoking Cessation

(Dec 2013) slim – List of MHRA approved NRT flavours

(Nov 2013) ACSH – New study shows that vaping promotes quitting for smokers and ex-smokers

(Oct 2013) Harm Reduction Journal – A fresh look at tobacco harm reduction: the case for the electronic cigarette

(Sep 2013) Lancet/BBC – E-Cigarettes as effective as nicotine patches and Authors reply to study response

(Sep 2013) University of Edinburgh – The electronic cigarette as a harm reduction aid (adult survey 2010-2013)

(June 2013) NICE – Tobacco Harm Reduction, costing report

(Feb 2013) Tobacco Control – Nicotine replacement therapy isn’t all it’s cracked up to be

(2010?) MHRA Nicorette Quickmist Inhalator (includes propylene glycol on page 5) – MHRA Approval Document

(Jan 2001- onwards) MHRA – Marketing authorisations: lists of granted licences

NHS Smokefree website – Information on E-Cigs

Smoking/E-Cig Prevalence and Costs

(Mar 2014) Roland Berger (strategy consultants) – TPD Potential Economic Impact

(Feb 2014) Tobacco Manufacturers Assoc. – UK Tax revenue from tobacco

(Jan 2014) HSCIC – Statistics on NHS Stop Smoking Services, England – April 2013 to September 2013

(Jan 2014) ASH – The local cost of smoking

(Nov 2013) ASH Scotland – Smoking and Tobacco statistics

(Sep 2013) ONS – Smoking habits amongst adults (2012)

Smoking In England – Monthly figures

Welsh Stop Smoking – 2012/2013 Performance figures

Health and Social Care Information Centre – Stats on smoking and SSS

(July 2013) NICE – Tobacco: Harm reduction approaches to smoking

(May 2013) ASH – Use of e-cigarettes in Great Britain among adults and young people

(Jul 2011) ASH – The Economics of Tobacco

UK & European Law

(Mar 2014) Achieving appropriate regulations for electronic cigarettes (lots of good reference links)

(Jan 2014) CIEH – Will you permit or prohibit e-cigarette use on your premises?

(Jan 2014) Doodlebug – Contradictions between TPD and existing EU law

(Nov 2013) CIPD (Professional HR body) – Dealing with e-cigarettes at work

(Oct 2013) Swedish Newspaper – E-cig with nicotine may be sold

(Jul 2013) Sir Francis Jacobs QC – Opinion on the legality of medicines regulation of e-cigs in the TPD

(April 2013) Clive Bates – 21 EU directives that E-Cigs are currently regulated by

(Feb 2011) EU – Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union

(2006) Health Act – Definition of Smoking and Smoke free premises

UK & EU Parliament

(Mar 2014) European Parliament – Tobacco Products Directive, Statement by the Commission

(Mar 2014) European Parliament – Tobacco Products Directive (final text)

(Jan 2014) UK Parliament – Electronic Cigarettes

(Jan 2014) European Parliament JURI – Opinion on the legal basis of the (post trialogue) TPD

(Jan 2014) Dr Farsalinos – Scientific Errors in Proposed EU Tobacco Products Directive

(Jan 2014) EU Tobacco Products Directive (TPD) – Post trialogue full TPD text

EU Omubdsman – Investigates complaints about maladministration in the institutions and bodies of the European Union

(Dec 2013) European Parliament – E-Cigarettes Factsheet

(Dec 2013) House of Commons European Committee debate – Tobacco and related products

(Dec 2013) Viscount Ridley – Speech in House of Lords

(Nov 2013) European Commission – Minutes of TPD “Article 18” meeting between SANCO, ECITA and TVECA

(Nov 2013) House of Lords quote – toxins in electronic cigarettes is about one thousandth of that in cigarette smoke

(Oct 2013) TPD Ammendment 170 – EU voting record

(June 2013) MHRA – The Regulation of Nicotine Containing Products

(Apr 2013) House of Commons answer – E-cigs and taxation

(Mar 2013) European Parliament – Electronic Cigarettes Library Briefing

(Jan 2013) Committee on Human Medicines – Working Group on Nicotine Containing Products

(Jan 2013) Committee on Human Medicines – MHRA funded Research on Electronic Cigarettes

(Jul 2011) European Commission – Report on the public consultation on the possible revision of the TPD

(Jul 2011) European Commission – (see above) TPD Public consultation statistics

The Gateway Theory

(Jan 2014) Carl V Philips – The Gateway Effect

(Nov 213) Forbes – CDC Belatedly Reveals That Smoking by Teenagers Dropped While Vaping Rose

(Oct 2013) Health Day – E-Cigarettes May Not Be Gateway to Smoking: Study

(June 2013) ASH – Briefing on E-Cigs (page 1 for gateway theory, page 2-3 for safety and contaminants)


(July 2013) Anna Soubry – Appearance before the House of Commons EU scrutiny committee (comedy gold)

(May 2013) Dr. Michael Siegel – Why Electronic Cigarettes Work

(June 2012) Dr. Michael Siegel – E-Cigarette attitudes, obstacles and potential


(Mar 2014) Egor Burstyn – Levels of dangerous chemicals in E-Cig are insignificant…

(Feb 2014) Ecigarettedirect – 7 huge consequences of an EU E-cig ban

(Feb 2014) MarketingMagazine – Big T E-Cig advertising spend for 2013

(Jan 2014) Challenge – E-Cigs versus NRT revenue chart 2009-2013

(Dec 2013) How harmful is nicotine

(Dec 2013) Health advantages of using E-Cigs

(Oct 2013) Dr Lynne Dawkins – Strength/E-Cig type/flavours used by vapers

(Sep 2013) ecigarettedirect – Analysis of Chemicals and Metals in E-Cigs

(2012) ASH – Children and E-Cigs (positive graphic – because there ain’t none !!)

(2012) UK Office for National Statistics – Smoking prevalence by socio-economic classification