Vapers Digest 26th June


Wednesday’s News at a glance:

Vaping Bill Passes: A Pyrrhic Victory for Mark Butler [Media release]

Dr. Colin Mendelsohn, Tobacco Treatment

Today, the Labor government’s amended *Vaping Reform Bill was successfully passed in the federal Senate. Starting from 1 October 2024, vapes will be available only through pharmacies as a pharmacist-only (Schedule 3) medicine, removing the need for a doctor’s prescription.

While seen as a victory for Health Minister Mark Butler, this legislation will face substantial challenges within a year. This approach benefits organised crime and the black market while undermining public health, adult smokers and vapers, youth, and the vaping industry.

Australian Compromise Vape Bill: A Kinder, Gentler Prohibition

Jim Mcdonald, Vaping 360

Australian health minister Mark Butler has backed down from his proposed prescription-only vape plan, and agreed to a compromise that would allow sales without a doctor’s order, but still only in pharmacies. The amended Vaping Reforms Bill will be voted on by the Senate sometime this week.

The decision to abandon the prescription-only scheme was made after Butler’s Labor Party was unable to muster enough votes to pass the bill in the Senate. It had already passed the House, where Labor has a majority.


Banning Flavored Tobacco Products Doesn’t Work—We Have the Trash To Prove It

Sofia Hamilton, Reason

In recent years, Massachusetts, New York, California, and Washington, D.C., have all implemented bans on flavored tobacco products in an attempt to reduce smoking rates among younger populations. Despite these bans, flavored tobacco products are still easily accessible—and it’s never been more apparent.

Global Forum on Nicotine

GFN 2024 Keynote #2 – delivered by Garrett McGovern, response by Alex Wodak – titled “Over/misinterpretation of the precautionary principle in relation to safer nicotine”. Whilst no activity has a total absence of risk, science has to embrace risks and challenges to evolve. The over/misinterpretation of the precautionary principle is often an impediment to progress. Drawing on his experience of working with dependence in other fields, Dr McGovern will examine, in relation to nicotine use:

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