In the News January 28th


Thursdays News at a glance:

Capewell, Ireland, Their Pharma Friends And Vape Bans – E-cigarette regulation and policy: UK vapers’ perspectives – How Will The TPD Affect DIY Juicers? – Vapor differs in composition from e-liquid – Researchers Fail to Disclose Conflicts of Interest with Big Pharma and Appear to Hide their Financial Relationships – Cessation: beneath the startling numbers, a study in scientific doubt – Vapers, did you really think they would stop at smoking? – Ban everything, ban it now. For the children – GFN Young Investigator of the Year Award – Smokers and non-smokers views of e- cigarettes – E-Cigarettes Cause Hearing Loss? Really? How? – Nicotine Science and Policy – Daily Digest – Thu, 28 January 2016

Capewell, Ireland, Their Pharma Friends

And Vape Bans – Dick Puddlecote

You may recall that in December we found out Martin McKee and the Chief Morality Officer Sally Davies had conspired to try to stop Public Health England from seeking filmed opinions about e-cigs, from tobacco controllers, presumably because they knew that many would be positive.

For those ideologically opposed to vaping this is something which had to be crushed, Sally Davies particularly didn’t want it to see the light of day, as I mentioned at the time.

E-cigarette regulation and policy:

UK vapers’ perspectives – Wiley Online

‘Protecting youth’ was seen as a fundamental regulatory requirement which should be achieved through childproofing, age limits, no advertising aimed at children and health warnings about addictiveness of nicotine, but not the restriction of flavours. There was little support for regulating e-cigarettes as medicines or limiting the strength of nicotine liquids.

How Will The TPD Affect DIY Juicers?

Totally Wicked

Recently we had a question about life post-TPD emailed to us, and we thought it would make a great blog post.
Many are feeling a little confused re the Tobacco Products Directive and the new regulations, (we are still waiting on the court case ruling, there is still a glimmer of hope that reason will win,) but meanwhile we hope this post clears up a few misconceptions…


Vapor differs in composition from e-liquid

Jérôme Harlay – PGVG

A Swiss study from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich identified more than 250 chemical substances in e-cigarette vapor thanks to a novel analytical approach based on Secondary ElectroSpray Ionization (SESI). Some of the substances show a high correlation with the operating power of the electronic cigarettes. Finally, quantitative differences were found between the liquids and aerosols….

Researchers Fail to Disclose Conflicts of Interest

With Big Pharma and Appear to Hide their Financial Relationships – The Rest of the Story

In an article published in the current issue of the journal Addictionregarding effective treatment for smoking cessation, all co-authors except one denied having received any funding from pharmaceutical companies. Their declaration of interests statement reads:

Cessation: beneath the startling numbers

A study in scientific doubt – Barnaby Page – ECig Intelligence

A new study of e-cigarettes’ efficacy in smoking cessation has not only pitted some of vaping’s most outspoken scientific supporters against one of its fiercest academic critics, but also illustrates many of the pitfalls facing researchers on the topic and those – including policy-makers – who must interpret their work…

VTTV Thursday 28-01-16

Vapers, did you really think they would stop at smoking?

Simon Clark – Taking Liberties

If anyone doubts that the endgame for ‘public’ health is the elimination of nicotine as a recreational drug, here’s more evidence.

An advertising feature placed by Liverpool City Council in the Liverpool Echo includes two revealing passages:

Ban everything, ban it now. For the children

The View from Cullingworth

Back in early 1970s South London, I used to drag my self from bed, throw on clothes and some breakfast down my gullet, get on my bike and cycle to Elmers End News. Where, as generations of children before me had done, I picked up a bag of newspapers and shoved them through a load of doors. As it happens the round I did took me back over the railway bridge and past the cricket club ….


GFN Young Investigator of the Year Award

The young investigator award is for young investigators in any discipline working in the field of nicotine science or policy. Nominees must be 32 years or younger, 5th June 2016.

Nominations must be submitted by a colleague, normally a senior colleague or supervisor, using the form on below…

Smokers and non-smokers views of e- cigarettes

You are invited to participate in a study on the use of e- cigarettes designed by Professor Lynn Myers. We are interested in how people use e- cigarettes, for example where they buy them and where they smoke. We are also interested in people’s views of e- cigarettes. We also would like those of you who do not use e-cigarettes to complete the survey.

E-Cigarettes Cause Hearing Loss? Really? How?

Gil Ross – ACSH

A recent op-ed in the Sacramento Bee issues a strange warning about the increasingly popular e-cigarettes, saying that they may cause hearing loss among teenagers. The piece was authored by Dave Fabry, identified as the vice-president of audiology for Starkey Hearing Technologies in Eden Prairie, MN…


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